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    He’s 15 months old…

    September 17th 2006 - by baby school dad

    …and we feel like we’re starting too late.

    He has become real active and doesn’t have the attention span for books or sitting down to study things anymore. When he was less mobile (and just a sitter) he didn’t have any choice but to sit and flip through books and seem interested. Now, he’s interested in the world and all that it has to offer – including those table tops that he can reach now.

    But we’re not too worried – he is learning, just learning things on his own more now. We want to encourage that, but also want to try and direct it a bit. That’s why we started trying to develop the Flash applications that could serve as his flashcards. He won’t sit still in any particular place and we can’t carry our traditional flashcards around all over the place. However, he is interested in what we are doing when we are on the computer.

    Then, his flash cards are just a click or two away. We’re able to go over some of his flash cards and then go do something else. Short, sweet, hopefully effective learning sessions.

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